Toasted Corn Salad w/ Fresh Herbs & Blackberries!

Begin by boiling your corn on the cob for a few minutes until the kernels become tender but still have a bit of bite. Using a sharp knife, carve the kernels off the cob and heat up some oil in a frying pan.

Toast the kernels on high heat with some generous grinds of salt and pepper until the corn starts poppin’ and you get a nice golden and blackened colour on them.

Once the corn is toasted to your liking, remove from heat and allow to cool off completely.

Chop up the rest of your veggies. I liked using radishes & cucumber. You can also add chopped peppers, onions, or tomatoes. Tear up some fresh herbs (I used big mint leaves and coriander) and toss everything in a big bowl.

Grab your blackberries and slice them in halves and gently fold them into the salad.

Once the corn has fully cooled off, toss in with the veggies, herbs and blackberries and douse with some lemon juice, olive oil and loads of salt and pepper. Toss again well and serve!
